DarkRose's Love Spell, Part III: to Dissolve Obstacles Between Yourself and Your Soul Mate
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[Return to the Front Porch] Now you have met, in real life or in the Spirit world (but which one is "real," now, and which is the [Dream], after all? That could be an entirely separate conversation, couldn't it!! Now you know that this person exists and now you both are indeed in a relationship together, after one fashion or another. You are seeking a way to be together. Even if you are "together" in the physical world, though, even if you are married, it is not always easy to really be together! This spell is to help you dissolve the obstacles that stand between you and your beloved, whether they are geographical or psychological in nature. This spell is best done during a waning (fading) or dark moon, for that is the energy of endings and dissolving old patterns. |
(If you are a woman, it is also helpful to do this spell while you are menstruating, as the energy in a woman's body at this time is a very strong energy of endings and breaking up of old patterns. Rather than letting it turn into PMS, you can use this to good advantage to dissolve obstacles in your life and break the chains that bind you, leaving room for new and better wonders to come into your life afterwards! If you are brave enough to use such powerful energy, and if you trust yourself enough, you may even anoint some of the items (except for the yellow candle) used in this spell with menstrual blood.)
Gather Together:
Pause and center yourself. Be aware that you are creating a sacred space. If you have a tradition for creating a sacred space for yourself, feel free to employ that ritual before you begin.
Light the white candle; this is the pure energy of the Dream, where all things in the Universe work together for the good of all. Light the black candle; the energy running through this candle is Space, created in the misdst of other worldly concerns. The negative energy and patterns that have been thwarting you and your dreams will follow the line you have carved, down into an empty and place deep in the heart of the earth, where it will be transformed by her, in much the same way that she transforms compost! into fertile energy that others might use to better purpose. Light the yellow candle; the energy that will follow the spiral up through this candle into your life is the wise, warm, and gentle Knowing guidance of the Sun, which truly exists within each one of us. Arrange the crystals around the base of the white candle Remaining before the candles, but otherwise much as you did in the previous spell, send your Spirit Body on a journey and make contact with your beloved in the safe meeting place you both have created within you. You might be able to freely discuss here the obstacles that keep you apart. But even if you don't or don't know what the obstacles even are, explain that you have made up your mind to overcome them, no matter what you must do in order to do so. Ask them to do the same; they will probably promise likewise. Return to your physical body before your altar and hold your hands over the candle flames (carefully!) Imagine that the hopelessness and terrors of the past are flowing out of your right palm, down into the flame of the black candle, deep into the earth never to revisit you again. Then imagine that the light and guidance and joy of the future is rising up into your left palm from the yellow candle. If you can, connect the flow of these two energies through your body, up and out into the Universe, back again into the earth, and so on until you feel that you are part of the vast Circle indeed! Envelop yourself in the beauty of all of this, and hold it close to your heart, try to keep this power in you as much as possible for as long as you can. Pick up the knife from your altar and say, "With these hands, I now break all bonds that have held me back from my Dream. With these hands I created these bonds, and now with these hands I dissolve them, they have served their purpose and they are over; I release them with gratitude. And this shall be for the good of all, so mote it be." Cut the black cord that encircles the altar. Take the white or silver thread and hold one end in your left hand. Stretch this thread out, imagining that you are extending the other end toward your Beloved to grasp, and now do something that might be very difficult for you to do: Cut this thread as well! Say: "With these grasping hands I release all attachment to my Dream, for I know that this too has bound me and kept me from finding it. Now I am truly free, and now with nothing but my heart to guide me, I will arrive at the place where my Beloved waits. And this shall be for the good of all, so mote it be." Drop the pieces of the cut thread onto the altar, and let them drape around the objects there as they may. You may put the candles out or leave them to burn down. If you leave them, make sure you do not leave them unattended! If you blow them out, put your appropriate palm behind each candle and blow the flame's energy into your hand. You will probably want to leave the items on your altar for awhile to let their energy continue to work and to remind you of what you have worked. They may be removed at or shortly before the next full moon. [Return to the main Love Spell page] [Return to the Glade] [Return to the Front Porch] |