DarkRose's Love Spell, Part II: to Find a Lover

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You might have started out seeking a Love Spell because you knew of someone whose affections you would like to attract. Perhaps now you know that you do not want any Love that has to be forced, because you are deserving of Love given freely.

How does one "make" a person love them, and [is it even right to do so]? I have seen that it is possible to make a person, against their own free will, need or believe that they need you, or instill in them an obsession for you, but even if these things were not gross violations of the human right to free choice, I wouldn't use them because, after all, what they bring about is not really Love, is it? And I want and deserve real Love!!

Besides, if you have ever truly Loved someone, you already know that Love by its very nature would never possess or force the beloved.

So what can you do? Must you just let the object of your affections go?


Yes and no.

I find it helpful to understand that there IS a Lover and a Mate for you in the world, today, who is seeking you every bit as much as you are seeking him or her. It might be the person you are thinking of now, only he or she doesn't realize it at this point in their personal growth. Or, it might be that you are attracted to the person you're attracted to now, because your Higher Self recognizes that they somehow resemble (either physically or in other ways) the Soulmate you are really seeking.

The following spell is to help you initiate contact on a psychic level with this person, whether you have or have not yet met in the physical world. It is best done during a waxing or full moon.

Gather Together:

  • A white candle, a green candle, and a black candle
  • An amythest crystal or amythest chips
  • A piece of rose quartz
  • A piece of turquoise
  • Rose Petals and Basil, about half a teaspoon of each

Pause and center yourself. Be aware that you are creating a sacred space. If you have a tradition for creating a sacred space for yourself, feel free to employ that ritual before you begin.
Place all of the items above on your altar (if you don't have an altar, use a place that is especially yours, such as the top of your dresser or desk). Set the candles up with the white candle in the center, the black candle on the left, and the green candle on the right.

Light the white candle; the energy running through this candle is the perfect Love of the Earth and the Universe .

Light the black candle; the energy running through this candle is Space, created in the misdst of other worldly concerns, an empty and fertile place deep in the heart of the earth, a womb in which the relationship with your beloved may germinate and begin to grow.

Light the green candle; the energy running through this candle is the new growth of the Love between you, the energy of Fascination, and all the pleasures associated with it.

Arrange the crystals around the base of the white candle
Crumble the herbs and sprinkle them lightly over the tops of the flames

Making sure that the candles are burning safely, well away from anything that might catch fire, make yourself comfortable and begin the following meditation. (If you have never meditated before, this is an excellent way to begin!)


Ward yourself from distracting outside influences by imagining an egg of blue light all around you, big enough to include your aura (don't forget to include the area beneath your feet in your visualization.) Once this egg is in place, forget about it; it will be there until you remove it.

Now become aware of the surface of your skin, specifically, your entire galvanic skin layer, that layer of electrical activity covers the surface of every inch of your body. Become aware of as much of your body surface this way as you can at one time.

Once you have this layer firmly in mind, and can perhaps begin to feel its tingle, expand it. Push it out from the surface of your body until it is about eighteen inches thick. Imagine how it interacts with the furniture you are sitting or lying on, and imagine what it would feel like to walk through the nearest doorway with this extended spirit body surrounding you. Try to see the colors, if there are any, of this energy surrounding you; determine whether its consistency is smooth or irregular. Congratulations; you are looking at your own aura!!

Now your aura is going to travel. This is ethereal travel, not the same as the astral travel of which you might have heard. You are going to go inside yourself, not outside yourself. Inside of you, everything and everyone that is, exists, for you are the universe. Because you Love yourSelf, it is safe in here. (Now you know why the spell to Love yourSelf had to come first!) Nothing here is willing or able to harm you, though at times you may see things here that are as painful as they are joyful. In here, you are loved and protected.

Let your expanded spirit body begin walking, through the actual room you are in at first if it needs to, out the door and outside. Eventually, let it come to a forest, in the middle of which is a clearing in the trees. This clearing exists in every one of us, and is a central place in the universe, from which many paths do lead. A clear blue stream is flowing through the center of this clearing, and you can feel the warm sun and the cool breeze, here, you can and hear the voices of many birds, and hear and feel a spirit wind rustling in the leaves.

At some point as you are looking around the clearing, you will notice an opening into the earth, a cave or a hole into the roots of a tree. Pause to remind your spirit body what you are seeking, and then enter this doorway.

Follow your spirit body wherever it leads through this underground terrain. You may find yourself going downward or upward, scaling subterranean cliffs, fording underground rivers, leaping chasms, squeezing through narrow clefts or in vast carven cathedrals of light. What is inside each one of us is unique. Pay attention!

In a surprisingly short while, you will see another spirit-being wandering through the same underground terrain. Approach this being carefully and respectfully; this is your beloved, your Soul Mate, seeking you.

When you are close enough to this person's aura, ask permission to speak to him or her. Remember that you cannot do anything to this person against their will, any more than any other being can do anything to you against your will here. If they agree to speak, you may speak with them. Be open to their spontaneous replies, and try not to let your ego or wishful thining put words in their mouth. Their appearance in spirit may or may not resemble their actual appearance in the physical world. But their appearance in spirit will at the least give you symbols and clues to interpret with regard to what kind of person/soul they are, and how you will recognize them when you meet them in "real" life.

Be sure to tell the other spirit that you are seeking them and that you are doing everything you can to contact them in the physical world as well. They will probably tell you the same thing. If it is the kind of relationship you have with them, pray with them, to whatever higher powers you recognize, to aid you in your quest to connect with one another. There will probably be other things that come up in your conversation that I have not listed here.

When it is time to go, ask a gift of your beloved, and give one to him or her. It may be a flower, a talisman, a book, an article of clothing, a piece of jewelry, or anything else. Hold onto this gift as you begin to ascend back the way you came, up to the physical world.

When you come back into your physical body, lie still a moment with your eyes shut, and become aware of the room around you. Gently dissolve the blue light egg of protection around your body. You will probably not still have any object in your hand, but continue to hold it in your mind and heart. Breathe out and then in four times, and then open your eyes and stand up slowly.

You may put the candles out or leave them to burn down. If you leave them, make sure you do not leave them unattended! If you blow them out, put your left (receiving) palm behind each candle and blow the flame's energy into your hand. You may use these candles at another time for a ritual having to do with sensual love (such as a hot bubble bath!)

Place the crystals and stones from your altar in a windowsill where they will catch the starlight for the next waxing and waning of the moon.

The [Third Spell] in this series is a spell to remove obstacles between yourself and the beloved which might be preventing your meeting, or, if you have already met, might be preventing a free and joyful relationship from flowing.

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