You might have realized by now that being chased in a dream doesn't
mean so much that something is after you in "real" life, but that you
are running from some truth or some part of yourself that you don't want
to face.
This part of you might be represented in your dream by an
animal or monster, or by a person
, but in fact it is just some part of yourself.
I never liked the way some people explain "Dream Catchers," saying
that they prevent our "bad" dreams from getting to us. All
dreams are good!!! All dreams come from a part of you that loves you,
and frequently that part of you is trying to
help you face and solve a problem that is preventing you from
living the fullest life you can!
Nightmares are the code-lanugage of your own soul, telling you
not only that something is wrong, but what
is wrong and how to fix it! The landscape
through which you flee, or the rooms of a building
are also important clues as to the nature of the problem.
If you can, during a dream of being
chased or of struggling with some opponent, can
become aware that you are dreaming, the best thing you can do is find some
way to make peace with the part of yourself you are being visited by
in your dream. Offer it a gift and ask that it offer you one in return.
Sometimes our worst enemies can become our greatest allies.