[Being Chased]
[Death & Dying]
[Fighting or Killing Something]
[Being Naked in Public]
[Past Lives]
[Planes, Trains, Cars, etc.]
[Rooms & Houses]
[The Five Senses]
[Being Trapped]

Dance Your Dream Awake!

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Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Let me thus much be avow:
You are not wrong, who deem
That our days have been a dream.
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
-edgar allen poe

Life is a dream. What Eggie forgets to mention here is that and we can create our own dreams as we go along. We can change them, if we become aware, as we're dreaming, that we are indeed dreaming; we can make them go as we wish. If, therefore, life is really a dream, then we can create our own reality. In fact, it is our responsibility to do so. I think that's what we came here for in the first place.

Yesterday is but a memory,
And tomorrow a dream.
But today, well lived,
Makes all our yesterdays memories of happiness,
And all our tomorrows dreams of hope.

There are those who say that it is indeed true that we are dreaming, that this "life" as we know it is merely a long dream our Higher Selves, our souls or spirits, are dreaming, and that one day when we awake (some people refer to this as "dying,") what we have experienced here will seem as unreal and make as little sense as dreams do to us now.

So, perhaps it is true, then, that our sleeping dreams are really but dreams within a dream.

(Don't think aobut it too hard, you'll hurt your head!)

A dream wherein we become aware that we are dreaming, and are then therefore able to control the dream (even to the point of doing fantastic things in them, such as flying or meeting our ideal lover) is called a "lucid dream." There are those who say that through learning the art of lucid dreaming, we can actually learn to have this same kind of power over our waking lives.

I have included some good links to discussions on lucid dreaming at the bottom of this page, but I work mostly with ordinary dreams, myself. There is a great deal of healing that can be done through so-called "ordinary" dreams, and understanding them can help us grow. My personal philosophy is that dreams come from a part of ourselves that loves us and is trying to help us become the true Higher Self that we are ultimately are, to become fully ourSelves, to realize our full potenial as the gods and goddesses we are.

People are so often upset by their dreams, afraid they mean they're "crazy" or at least a not-very-good person, some are afraid that things they dream are prophecies that can't be altered, but nothing can be further from the truth.

Dreams come from a part of us that loves us and knows exactly what's going on right now, whether we want to know about it consciously or not. They also give us clues about what we can do to change what's happening, and this definitely gives us an idea how to shift our feet to a newer and better path. There is no such thing as a "bad" dream for they all come from our Higher Selves, a part of us that knows us intimately and loves us unconditionally and is doing all it can to help us find peace, happiness, and fulfillment, and it is always wise to listen to them.

Below is a table of the most common dream motifs. Click on a topic to see just a few of the things that dreams on that topic can really mean.

Dream Motifs Table


[Being Chased]


[Death & Dying]


[Fighting or Killing Something]


[Being Naked in Public]

[Past Lives]


[Planes, Trains, Cars, etc.]

[Rooms & Houses]


[The Five Senses]

[Being Trapped]


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