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Do we dream of our Past Lives?

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In, I'd say, oh, 99% of cases, dreams are about the things that are going on in our lives right here and right now, though the way they can cut through the crap and show us things we really didn't want to know we knew, sometimes does seem supernatural.

However, I am open to the idea that some dreams, though very rarely, (and perhaps less rarely for some individuals) are indeed clairvoyant or prophetic. I do believe this happens though I still maintain that this is not the main purpose of Dream. As I say on my main dreaming page, I believe anyway that 99% of prophecy is the exceedingly difficult ability to know what is going on right now. If you can get that, (and very few humans in history ever have) then prophecy or clairvoyance are just simple lateral steps!

There are those who say we do, sometimes, dream of our past lives, especially when doing so will help us understand something we are trying to learn in our current lives. In fact, I do have a series of recurring dreams that make me wonder if they are past-life dreams or not. I am currently researching this area of self-discovery, and would be very open to suggestions from others, especially if you have any suggestions for related links to put on this page.

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