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Dream People

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If I can't teach you anything else during your visit to my cottage here, I hope I can teach you this:

Every character in every one of your dreams is an aspect of yourSelf!

Some of the native people had a teaching that said that we all, each one of us, regardless of gender or age, have four "shields" or "masks" with which we deal with the world around us. They are our inner male and female aspects, as well as our inner chilren, a little boy and a little girl. Each of these, if we are using our shields in a balanced way, helps us deal with any situation we might encounter in life. Unfortunately we tend to focus on and use only one of these, and that is where not only problems but nightmares can come from!

There are also some teachings which state that we also have within each one of us an inner Old Man and Old Woman, and that when we begin to achieve a certain level of spititual growth, we will also begin to dream of these as well.

I will attempt, below, to describe a little bit of what each sort of person or mask in your dreams represent within your own Self.

Men in dreams are representative of our own "masculine" qualities, whether we are male or female. These are our tendency, or lack thereof, to be active in our own lives (this is NOT by any means meant to imply that it's strictly a male characteristic to take action in one's life, simply that it has become such a "norm" in society for men to be active and for women to be passive, that when our mind searches for a symbol of the active principle, it almost always clothes it in a male face.)

Women in a man's or a woman's dream represent the things we as a species associate with femininity, such as the ability to relate to others, nurture, and create. (Again, this does not by any means mean that men don't or can't relate, nurture, or create - just that it has not been something our society has associated with male energy for a long, long time, so that this symbolism has become ingrained in our subconscious. Maybe someday - and maybe not in the too-distand future! - tis will change!)

A Little Girl in a dream is our emotions, especially our powers of unconditional love and forgiveness. It can also be our wish that someone could be there to take care of us, if only once in awhile.

A Little Boy in a dream is our determination to live and to have all our dreams come true. He is also our anger when this does not happen!!

Old People in dreams are our Inner Grandparents or our own personal gods and goddesses. They have words of wisdom to deliver to us, that come from our own Higher Selves. Always pay very close attention to anything an old person says to you in a dream! They may come to you dirty and disheveled and disgusting, but if you can give them respect, you have passed a very important test.

Infants are potential new aspects of yourself, budding new talents or opportunities!

The people in your dreams may be strangers, or they may be persons familiar to you. This doesn't matter, they are really still facets of yourself.

The people in your dreams may be friendly or hostile toward you. You may like or dislike them. They may be weak or strong. This shows how you relate to this part of yourself. You may struggle with them or flee from them, you may become quite intimate with them. These kinds of dreams can be very upsetting, for they often make us fear we "secretly" feel that way about the person concerned, but that is not usually the case. If you dream for instance of having sex with your brother, this does not mean you are sexually attracted to your brother! It means you are trying to assimilate (and generally it means you have succeeded in doing so) the more active, "take charge" aspects of your own self. If you really "secretly" wanted to have sex with your brother, you would probably dream instead of riding in an elevator with someone who only incidentally reminds you of your brother!

Special Dream People:

There are a few special kinds of dream masks that "real" people (not aspects of yourSelf!) can take on:

Celebrities and Important Authority Figures usually represent your parents.

A child with a funny hat or with especially golden hair, may be a child-visitation from the Christ.

Crowds can represent many things, if they are rowdy and out of control this means that the many aspects of your own personality are in too much conflict and failing to all rally 'round you in any organzed fashion. If they are simply all staring at you they may represent the world of people outside yourself and how you fear they may percieve you. And there are those who say that a gallery of people whose faces seem inexplicable familiar even though you know you've never met them, is actually all of your selves from your past lives here on earth.

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